The American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC) held its annual convention in San Antonio, Texas. Chairman Edward Krolikowski, representing our organization, was awarded the Founders Award for his work in furthering Polish culture in the Savannah, Georgia area. In addition, he was elected from the floor to the ACPC Board of Directors.
Delegation at the Forsyth Park Fountain.
Professor Ryszard Legutko and Edward Krolikowski
at the Pulaski Monument in Monterey Square.
On May 14-15, 2018, in conjuction with the Polish American Society of Charleston (Mr. Charles Sieracki) the mayor of Bytow, Poland, Mr. Ryszard Syłka along with his wife Grazyna, and the Starosta (Commissioner) of the Bytów Powiat (township) Mr. Leszek Waszkiewicz and his wife Lucyna visited Savannah. They were escorted to the local sites by Chairman Edward Krolikowski as well as have a dinner with several of the Savannah General Pulaski Committee members at Vic's on the River. Highlights included being welcomed by Coastal Heritage Society's Justin Bristol while visiting the Savannah History Museum, participating in a black powder musket firing with Mr. Aaron Bradford at the Battle of Savannah Park, and visiting Ft. Pulaski National Monument where they were met by Park Rangers Jamie Niles and Amber Debardalaben with a bi-lingual tour of the fort.
Ms. C. Devine & Chairman Krolikowski
On November 12, 2021, Mr. Raymod Okonski passed away in Detroit Michigan. Though he was not a member of our organization, he was a frequent visitor, idea initiator and patron of our events. He initiated the idea of co-partnering with the Coastal Heritage Society in dedicating monuments at Battlefield Park in honor of Polish-American heroes who fought and died in the Revolutionary War for America's freedom. In this goal, he sponsored two of the monuments aligned under the Poland headstone. He was a very gregarious and humorous gentleman who made many friends in Savannah.
In March 8, 2022, Mr. Okonski's closest relatives, Dennis and Susan Walkowiak visited Savannah to see Ray's legacy, as well as meet Edward Krolikowski and CHS representatives Emily Beck and Dan McCall. They were taken on a personal tour of the CHS facilities, including Tricentennial Park as well as seeing Ray's charitable work.
On January 24, 2017, Prof. Ryszard Legutko,, a member of the European Parliament representing Poland, along with his staff visited Savannah and met with Edward Krolikowski. The visit was to asses Savannah Polonia's interests and to visit local sites of interest. This included the Pulaski Monument in Monterey Square and the Battle of Savannah Park. At the latter the group was presented a black powder musket firing by the Coastal Heritage Society's Aaron Bradford, which delighted the group.
Also, On October 2, 2014 Edward Krolikowski participated in a ceremony where the GHS (Georgia Historical Society) thanked the Savannah General Pulaski Committee of the American Council for Polish Culture for the gift donation of the book, Forty Years of the Casimir Pulaski Museum. The book will be added to the Research Center collection.
As shown to the right, In July 2014, Edward Krolikowski, Chair of the Savannah General Pulaski Committee, donated a book to the Live Oak Public Library in Savannah and a video to the Coastal Heritage Society. Both the book and DVD highlight General Pulaski's contributions to Savannah and to our country. The donations were made possible by the Poles in America Foundation and the American Council for Polish Culture.
On May 31, 2014, members of the Savannah General Pulaski Committee went to Daytona Beach, FL to attend the Sunday Dinner and Dance hosted by the Polish American Pulaski Club of Daytona ( Our group met with the President, Janet Narushka and her husband Tony for dinner Saturday night. On Sunday June 1, our group attended the Dinner and Dance hosted by the Pulaski Club of Daytona. The event was very memorable thanks to the gracious hospitality of all the members of the Polish American Pulaski Club of Daytona. On this page are some pictures of the memorable time had by our group.